Great Equalizer 7

The Great Equalizer 7: Revival


Join us for our 7th year of running this event and our FIRST since the pandemic slowed things down for everyone!

The Great Equalizer is a unique partner competition that will be held at EverProven CrossFit on 09/26/2021. The twist is that one person on each team must be an Rx athlete and the other person must be a Scaled athlete. In previous years we offered same sex teams only. This year the competition will feature mixed gender teams also and everyone will compete in 1 division!

Example – a team can be formed with an

  • Rx Male + Scaled Male
  • Rx Female + Scaled Female
  • Rx Male + Scaled Female
  • Rx Female + Scaled Male

Watch for more updates on the list of sponsors coming soon! (email [email protected] to become a sponsor!)


Scaled Athletes must not have placed within the top 500 in the CrossFit Open Rx division in any region and must not regularly workout as an Rx Athlete at their gym.


  1.  Can do Muscle Ups
  2.  Have a sub 4 min Fran as Rx’d
  3.  Are regularly at the top/near the top of the leaderboard at your gym (without scaling)
  4.  Follow a “competitive” program without having to scale regularly
  5.  Were able to Rx every workout in this years CF open with ease
  6.  Have ever competed at a high level competition such as Wodapalooza or the Granite Gamers as Rxd or have ever competed at regionals/sanctionals/quarterfinals/semifinals or higher.

WOD 1 – “Spicy Meatball”

For time under a 16 min cap

20-16-12 per partner

  • Lateral Burpees over the DB
  • Alternating DB Snatch
  • DB Hang Clean and Jerk

1 person works while the other person collects calories on the Echo Bike. Each partner must complete 20-16-12 of each movement. Once partner 1 finishes a set of a movement they must move from their work box past the line where the bike is and tag their partner. Partner 2 cannot start their work until Partner 1 starts biking. If the biking partner stops at any time, so must their partner.

Men Rx/Scaled – 50/35, 2 foot takeoff for burpees for Rx, step overs allowed for burpees for Scaled

Women Rx/Scaled – 35/25, 2 foot takeoff for burpees for Rx, step overs allowed for burpees for Scaled


Partner 1 does 20 burpees over the DB while Partner 2 bikes, partner 1 tags partner 2 and then partner 2 completes 20 burpees while partner 1 bikes. When partner 2 completes their burpees they tag partner 1 who switches and completes 20 alternating DB snatches while partner 2 bikes… and so on.

If a team finishes the DB and burpee work, they have the remainder of clock time to get as many calories on the echo bike until time expires switching as they choose.

Two Scores

  1. Part A – time (every missed rep counts as 1 second)
  2. Part B – total echo bike cal for the team

WOD 2 – “The Singlet and the Leotard”

Part A;

With a 9 min clock find a heavy complex per partner of;

  • Deadlift+Clean+Deadlift+Hang Clean+Shoulder to Overhead

1 barbell per team. Partners can help each other change weights. Cleans can be power or full. No pausing at the bottom of the deadlift however there may be a pause at the hip before the hang clean and at the shoulder before the shoulder to overhead. Any variation of shoulder to overhead will be allowed. You cannot let go of the bar at any point during the complex. Score is total load combined per partner.

Part B;

Immediately at the 9 min mark

  • 4 min AMRAP of Pull Ups(Rx) or Ring Rows (S)

1 partner works at a time. The partner waiting must wait behind a designated point and be tagged in to switch. No limit on tags.

Pull Ups – Kipping/butterfly/strict pull ups allowed as long as there is full lockout at the bottom and the chin gets over the bar. Jumping pull ups are not allowed.

Ring rows must be completed with the body parallel to the floor and the legs fully extended with the feet on a weight plate. The elbows must pass behind the body and there must be a full lockout at the bottom for the rep to count.

Each pull up/ring row completed will add 1lb to the total combined score from part A.

Example – if the total from part A is 350lbs and a total of 50 pull ups and ring rows are completed, the score for workout 2 would be 400lbs.

** Note. ** Females will have 30% of the weight lifted added to their score on their lift in Part A to account for usual scaling between male and females in most workouts.

Example – in a workout where a male uses a barbell with 135#, the female equivalent is usually 95# (30% less). In a workout where a male uses a 50# dumbbell, the female is usually 35# (again, 30% less). The 30% will be added to Part A Only.

WOD 3 – “Cowabunga”

12 Min AMRAP

  • 50 Jump Ropes per Partner (Rx – Double Unders, S – Singles)
  • 40 Synchronized Wall Balls (Rx – 20#/14#, S -14#/10#)
  • 30 Synchronized Box Jumps (24″/20″, Rx – Jump, S -step up)
  • 20 Synchronized Power Cleans (Rx – 135#/95#, S – 95#/65#)
  • 10 Synchronized Front Squats (Rx – 135#/95#, S – 95#/65#)

At 321 go 1 partner will complete their jump rope work followed by partner 2 (it doesn’t matter who starts). All other work must be synchronized. Wall balls must hit the wall at the same time to count. Height for wall balls is 10 feet for men and 9 feet for women. Box Jumps must be at the top of the box together. Power cleans must be at the top together. Front Squats must be at the bottom and the top together.

All other normal standards for movements apply. Hip crease must pass below the knee for squatting movements. Full range of motion must be achieved on box jumps and barbell movements for reps to count. If athletes come out of synchronization, a rep will still count if athletes catch up to each other at the top of the box, top of a clean or the bottom and top of a squat.

This workout will be scored as total rounds plus total reps completed.

Floater WODs

Floater WOD 1 – “Run To The Hills”

For time –

  • 30/25 cal per partner – Assault runner

At 321 go partner 1 will begin running on the Assault Fitness Air runner until they reach 30 cal for men or 25 cal for women. Once 30/25 calls are met by partner 1 they will

Floater WOD 2 – “Let’s Hang Out”

For max combined time in seconds

  • Rx athlete – max time hanging L-Sit
  • Scaled athlete – max time hanging knee tuck

At 321 go Both athletes will step off a box and grab onto a pull up bar at the same time. The feet of the Rx athlete holding an L-Sit must remain above their waist, while the knees of the scaled athlete must remain above their waist. Any hand grip on the pull up bar may be used. As soon as the bar is let go or the legs/knees drop below the waist, time stops for that athlete. The other athlete may remain in their hang while time continues.

Score will be total combined team time in seconds.

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