Things I’ve Learned About Teaching From CrossFit

“In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn.” ~ Phil Collins

There is so much truth in this quote.
As one of the Owners and the Head Coach at EverProven CrossFit, I see every coaching engagement as an opportunity to learn. You may not realize it but even at what may seem to be the most insignificant interaction, light bulbs are often going off in your coaches heads. “Ah Ha!” moments happen for us just as often as it happens for you athletes. What I am trying to say you learn, you are equally teaching us. Just as you want to improve your fitness, we want to improve our coaching. The gears are constantly grinding. I would like to say thank you to our community members for the opportunity to learn from each of you on a daily basis.
We are blessed to have an incredibly strong and diverse community filled with a variety of skill levels and different walks of life. Every day we get to work with amazing people that help us hone our craft in unique and individual ways. Some of you are just beginning your fitness journey, others of you were athletes all of your lives. Some of you are young, others of you are seasoned. Some of you were blessed with incredible natural abilities, others of you have had to overcome some inconceivable disadvantages that life tossed in your direction. As coaches, this diversity is not only incredibly important.. it’s our secret weapon. The myriad of lessons we are able to harness from such a melting-pot of individuals allows us to grow together. You as athletes and us as coaches.
In both our success and our failure, every time we are able to learn something from one of you, we are able to pass that lesson on to everyone else! 
This is why EverProven CrossFit will never be status quo. This is why EverProven CrossFit will always push toward excellence and this is why EverProven CrossFit will always remain as leaders in our industry.
For all of this, we have you, our amazing community to thank! When each and every one of you that show up day in and day out.. early or late… rain or shine.. you keep us on our toes! You make us want to improve. You are the reason we have gotten to where we are. You are the reason that we are the best.
Thank you for your willingness to learn and in-turn your teaching us how to be the best that we can. Our collective drive toward excellence in both coaching and community is the greatest reward that we can have.
Please help us become better coaches by allowing us to coach you!! Click Here and we will set you up with a complimentary one on one session where we can discuss your fitness goals and show you the basic’s of what CrossFit is all about. Join us and we can grow together! 

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