How and when did you discover CrossFit & what concerns or problems did you have before you started?
A friend of mine who lived out west had been doing CrossFIt and Spartan races and I wanted to be in the kind of shape he was in. I had been going to the local “globo gym” for years but my routine had gotten stale and I needed a good kick in the ass! Went to EverProven in 2018 for the free workout, signed up for the on-ramp and got the kick I needed. I recently completed the CF-L1, which gave great insight into the methodology and science behind the CrossFit approach.
What results have you gotten so far?
I went to visit my sister last week, who lives in Olympia, Washington, for the first time since 2019, and she said I really looked fit and she said she is not one to say something like that! At my age, most people are in declining health and fitness and I feel like I am at least holding my own health and fitness wise. I especially appreciate the variety and challenge that comes with being an active participant. It is the things I don’t like to do that result in the greatest progress!
What is different about EverProven services?
Andraya and I travel a bit and have the opportunity to visit other CrossFit facilities. All of them are good, with good coaches and friendly people. EverProven coaches and programming are truly a cut above every other place we have visited, with very few boxes having the quality of facilities we are blessed with here. Matt, his co-owners and his team seem to be always looking for ways to improve the quality of the product and the facility. Plus, at EverProven, we are a tribe that knows how to have fun!
What would you tell someone that is on the fence about joining EverProven?
I will tell anyone who listens that being fit is the best gift you can give yourself and your loved ones, and EverProven (and CrossFIt in general) is the best way to achieve that. I felt intimidated when I first started going but realized that was just in my mind. Everybody was so supportive and friendly. There is also the subtle internal pressure we all feel when we don’t make it to class! That is not as present with other gyms.
What is one interesting fact many people don’t know about you?
I was born and raised in Walla Walla, Washington, the town everyone liked so much they named it twice!