May Athlete of the Month: Austin Wildes

By Jenn Lace /April 11, 2024

How and when did you discover CrossFit & what concerns or problems did you have before you started?

My CrossFit journey began roughly 11 months ago and has truly improved all aspects of my life.When I graduated college and was no longer involved in athletics, It left a huge hole in my life. The mundane routine of showing up to my local gym and hitting the same cycle of upper and lower body movements (with the dreaded cardio session) was becoming quite painful (literally and figuratively) and I realized that if I wanted to remain as athletic and supple for as long as possible, this was not going to cut it… Enter EVRPRVN CrossFit… The CrossFit methodology is something that perfectly aligns with my long term goals of “fitness for life”. When you sprinkle in the incredible environment and add the amazing people along with it, it truly becomes the best hour of my day, every day.

What results have you gotten so far?

I can truly say I am currently the strongest, fastest, most flexible, and physically well rounded i’ve ever been in my life. Aside from the physical results, the mental results have been equally as important. My ability to endure adverse situations, dig deep, and have confidence in all other corners of my life has greatly increased as well.

What is different about EverProven services?

They care about you like family! Whether it’s a coach checking in on you and setting goals, or another member recommending a PT, masseuse, or heck even a local carpenter, everyone has your best interests in mind.

What would you tell someone that is on the fence about joining EverProven?

If you want the most out of your body (and mind) for as long as possible in life, there is no better place to be. I know it can sound cliché, but I wish I started sooner.

What is one interesting fact many people don’t know about you?

favorite movie: Interstellar

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