How and when did you discover CrossFit & what concerns or problems did you have before you started?
In 2012 a gym I belonged to converted the lower level into a Crossfit gym! I didn’t know anything about Crossfit but I decide to give it a try! There were just a handful of members at the time, but a dedicated, knowledgeable, and patient coach ushered me into the CrossFit methodology . Initially I was so intimidated by the barbell work and gymnastics, as I had NEVER done anything like that before!! My nerves quickly turned into excitement to challenge myself, get stronger, and become the fittest version of myself!! I was hooked!!!
What results have you gotten so far?
I have always been a physically active person, but nothing can compare to the results I have experienced from being involved in Crossfit for over 10 years! I am mentally and physically the toughest I have ever been. I can do things today that ten years ago I would never have thought possible . I started Crossfit as a masters athlete so it is never too late to start this process!! Even after all this time I have so much to work on and that’s what makes Crossfit so exciting to me!! Crossfit has been positive influence in all areas of my life, and the community has enriched my life beyond measure!!
What is different about EverProven services?
Everproven provides an incredible array of support services to develop every athlete, at every level , to their utmost potential!!! Skills workshops, instructional coaching, nutritional counseling, and coach check-ins provide all the members with a safety net for success!!!! I have been so excited to take advantage of these offerings since joining so I can continue to grow and develop my skills as an athlete and as a healthy person!
What would you tell someone that is on the fence about joining EverProven?
Don’t think about it, just walk through those gym doors and you will be greeted by the friendliest coaches and members!!!! The coaches will take care of you, designing workouts appropriate to your level of fitness. It’s so fun to workout with a community that never judges you but supports your success every day.!!! You will never regret this decision. It has been a life changer for me!!
What is one interesting fact many people don’t know about you?
I qualified and competed at the Granite Games in Minnesota in 2016 and 2017 as an individual Masters athlete. It was very exciting and extremely humbling competing alongside athletes from all over the world!! The best part was connecting with these inspiring women who I consider my friends!! The Crossfit Community is incredible!!!!