The Happy Gym
Now more than ever, having a great coach and community is the key to staying happy and healthy.
At EverProven, we get it. The world has been turned upside-down due to the COVID-19 pandemic and we want you to know that we are here to put the “happy” back into your day. Our goal is to make the time you spend in the gym the best hour of your day and we have all the tools to do just that!
1. Accountability – The coaches at EverProven are here to keep you connected and moving forward to your goals. Getting your workouts in is important, but so are things like proper nutrition, rest, and managing the stress of your day! Your coach is here to keep you in the right frame of mind and avoid those emotional reaches into the pantry!
2. Personalization – There are thousands of workouts that you can choose from online. But most of them are general and not specific. We understand that everyone is different and so are your goals. Having a coach sit down and talk to you about your goals before you even step onto the gym floor ensures that our team is doing their best to help you achieve them. We’ll make sure that you stay on track and keep nudging you back onto the right path if you slip. (Ready to schedule a goal review session? Click HERE!)
3. Flexibility – Priorities can change, especially as you navigate different phases of life, and your coaches at EverProven are here to change with you. A good coach will adjust and adapt your program to fit your needs. In these uncertain times your coach is here to adjust as you do.
4. Creating better habits and healthy mindset – During quarantine you may have been sleeping in late, staying in your pajamas all day, struggling with your nutrition, and feeling worn down. By getting back into the gym, we can help you add structure back into your routine! Your coach can assist you with new planning tools, tasks, and checklists, as well as introduce new ways of creating productivity and a positive mindset! Our staff checks in with clients often to help create healthier lifestyles.
5. Community – Social connection is paramount these days. We have been isolated from people for a while and plugging into a group of likeminded people is important to your success. You’re not just a number to us! You are greeted by name and welcomed into our kind and caring community. Being happy means staying connected. In addition to regular communication about your fitness goals, we can also meet with you virtually (through phone, Zoom, or messenger) to chat or have coffee, and you’re invited to join any of our social events with the gym family!
Looking for some help? Reach out and schedule a No Sweat Intro today or chat with your coach by clicking HERE!