How and when did you discover CrossFit & what concerns or problems did you have before you started?
I started at Everproven in October of 2021. Before CrossFit I had been attending the gym regularly but never followed any specific programming or worked much on form or maintaining mobility.

What results have you gotten so far?
Oh man where to start. A couple that I’m excited about are: learning a bunch of new movements and consistently adding weights to the lifts. The ones i most proud of are gaining ~20 pounds of muscle and developing the discipline to wake up early and attend the 5:30 class.
What is different about EverProven services?
Excellent coaching. They have all been a tremendous help and without them I know I wouldn’t have been as successful in achieving my fitness goals.
What would you tell someone that is on the fence about joining EverProven?
Do it. The hardest part is showing up the first time, after that it gets easier and easier. Everproven has everything here for you to achieve your goals.
What is one interesting fact many people don’t know about you?
I grew up in Germany and lived most of my life there.