How and when did you discover CrossFit?
I discovered CrossFit almost two years ago. My husband suggested that I check it out, and I am so happy that I did!
How has CrossFit affected you since you started?
I am stronger than I have ever been and I absolutely love coming to the different classes each week. I’ve always been a goal-driven person and Crossfit gives me a really healthy outlet to push myself, both mentally and physically.
What class do you normally attend?
I am all over the place! Typically I attend the 4:00 or 5:15, but if I can make it earlier to the 8:30 or 12:00 I’ll jump in with those crews. My favorite workouts, though, are the hero WODS on Sunday mornings!
What are your short and long term goals?
Short-term: Improve my strength and mobility
Long-term: Continue to improve my ranking in the Crossfit Open
Above all: Set a positive (and fun!) example of health and wellness for my two incredible children.
What’s your favorite WOD/movement?
I love all gymnastics movements: HS push-ups, HS walking, MUs, etc.
What’s your LEAST favorite WOD/movement?
Thrusters. Ughhhh.
What is one interesting fact many people don’t know about you?
I’ve always loved athletics! I’ve done figure skating, gymnastics, soccer, softball, basketball, field hockey, and diving. I actually won the state championship for springboard diving when I was in high school (a million years ago) and was recruited for it in college. I think all of these have helped me with CrossFit!