You’re not sure you can add more weight, but they spot you while you try. Your form is starting to get wobbly, and they let you know—not because they’re arrogant jerks, but because they don’t want to see you get hurt. You do your first double-under, and they’re cheering for you. You finish dead last, and they’re still cheering.
We’re not even talking about the coaches. We mean everyone else, the army of awesome that shows up to every WOD.
If you ask our members about the EverProven community, you can’t help but see the T-shirt motto reflected in their answers: One Box. One Goal. One Family. Our athletes aren’t just fierce. They’re nice, too. They’re genuinely happy to see one another succeed.
“I think one of the biggest things that sets the EverProven community apart from most gyms is the teamwork you feel at every class,” Jen Phillips said. “Even if you are the last one to finish, everyone is still there telling you not to give up and keep going. Every class is a team effort. No one is ever left behind or left with a feeling of failure.” Welvy Dunn agreed: “Everyone is supportive of each other, even if you just met them that day.”
In the middle of a WOD, it doesn’t matter if the person next to you is doing twice your reps, or lifting twice as heavy. Everyone shares that sense of struggle and common purpose. In the fire of a WOD, amazing friendships are forged—friendships that can extend far beyond the brick walls of the gym.
Welvy said, “I’ve met a lot of great people at EverProven and they became friends outside the gym. We talk every day and we’ve hung out a few times. It’s great to see them not wearing their gym clothes!” Jen said that she and her EverProven friends could spend all day talking about CrossFit. “We’ve become like a family,” she said. “Not only have they become my favorite gym buddies, but also important in my life. I can’t imagine them not in it.”
Ashley Studer’s response is perhaps the most telling of all: “I often think, ‘What would I be doing with my life if I never joined EverProven?’ because it is such a central part of my life now. I have met such wonderful people in the gym who share the same passion for health, adventure, and just living a life that is active and fun.”
That feeling of camaraderie is addicting, and it’s one of the reasons EverProven was just awarded the title “Viewers Choice- Best Gym in New Hampshire” by WMUR9 for the second year straight. We couldn’t do it without all of you, our army of awesome people.
Are you one of our clients that has yet to fully engage the EverProven community? Maybe you stick to chatting with the same group of people every time you come in? Regardless, we have a homework assignment for you;
When you come in for your next WOD, introduce yourself to 3 people you don’t know yet. Maybe partner with one of them for a WOD or share a bar with them during a strength session. Cheer that person on, and they will do it for you. Engage this community and make it your own.. we promise you won’t regret it!
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